Career Guidance

Our сareer guidance service is for students aged 12 and older to determine their most suitable subject area to study at school, future university courses and professions
Career Guidance
Our сareer guidance service is for students aged 12 and older to determine their most suitable subject area to study at school, future university courses and professions
Submit an application

Why do I need career guidance?

Choice of a future profession is an important step to successful personal fulfillment and financial success.

But in order to make the correct choice, it is important to rely not only on one’s desires.
Career guidance helps students to make up their minds about future professions and career paths based on their preferences, inclinations, and personality features. A set of specialized tests can unlock and direct students' potential as well as provide an opportunity for choice.
At the Virtual International School, we offer a service of career guidance: a specially designed complex assessment developed by our experts, which will help:
Deeper understand oneself, one’s interests, and professional inclinations
Select the most suitable areas for further professional development
Find several most suitable and interesting professions

What is included in the career guidance service

Depending on the student’s query, we offer 2−3 meetings with a career guidance expert
Duration of one meeting is 1−1.5 hours

Stages of work

Define the student’s query
Assess professional interests, abilities, and personal features using several methods
Determine the most suitable options for the choice of profession
Build the desired image of the future profession
Recommend further steps to professional self-identification